Tag:Motion for Sanctions

Escamilla v. SMS Holdings Corp., No. 09-2120 ADM/JSM, 2011 WL 5025254 (D. Minn. Oct. 21, 2011)
Mikhlyn v. Bove, No. 08-CV-3367 (ARR) (RER), 2011 WL 4529619 (E.D.N.Y. Aug. 3, 2011); Mikylyn v. Bove, No. 08-CV-3367 (ARR) (RER), 2011 WL 4529613 (E.D.N.Y. Sept. 28, 2011)
Atlas Resources, Inc. v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co., No. CIV 09-1113 WJ/KBM, 2011 WL 10563364 (D.N.M. Sept. 8, 2011)
Viramontes v. U.S. Bancorp, 2011 WL 291077 (N.D. Ill. Jan. 27, 2011)
United States v. Lanzon, 639 F.3d 1293 (11th Cir. 2011)
AMG Nat?l Trust Bank v. Ries, No. 06-CV-3061, 2011 WL 2912874 (E.D. Pa. July 21, 2011)
Oce N. Amer., Inc. v, MCS Servs., Inc., No. WMN-10-0984, 2011 WL 6130542 (D. Md. Dec. 7, 2011)
Cook v. Olathe Health Sys., Inc., 2011 WL 346089 (D. Kan. Feb. 2, 2011)
Seven Seas Cruises S. De. R.L. v. V. Ships Leisure SAM, No. 09-23411-CIV, 2011 WL 772855 (S.D. Fla. Feb. 19, 2011)
Kosher Sports Inc. v. Queens Ballpark Co., LLC, No. 10-CV-2618 (JBW), 2011 WL 3471508 (E.D.N.Y. Aug. 5, 2011)

Escamilla v. SMS Holdings Corp., No. 09-2120 ADM/JSM, 2011 WL 5025254 (D. Minn. Oct. 21, 2011)

Key Insight: Court affirmed Magistrate Judge?s order requiring defendant to submit his computers for forensic examination, at his own expense, where defendant reinstalled an operating system less than two weeks after plaintiff filed a motion to compel and where, because of the loss of data, plaintiff was therefore prejudiced to an unknown extent?bad faith was not required for such an order; court affirmed order requiring corporate defendant to search hard drives of key employees, the image of a file and print server, and backup tapes dating back five years where the search was not overly broad and where defendant did not establish undue burden?despite its exorbitant estimate regarding backup tapes?in light of the large disparity between estimates from both parties, and where the court noted that much of the costs could have been avoided had SMS fulfilled its preservation duties and not converted to a less accessible format

Nature of Case: Employment litigation – sexual harassment

Electronic Data Involved: ESI

Mikhlyn v. Bove, No. 08-CV-3367 (ARR) (RER), 2011 WL 4529619 (E.D.N.Y. Aug. 3, 2011); Mikylyn v. Bove, No. 08-CV-3367 (ARR) (RER), 2011 WL 4529613 (E.D.N.Y. Sept. 28, 2011)

Key Insight: Upon reconsideration of prior order awarding sanctions against defendants, court found that additional evidence indicated culpability on the part of defense counsel that justified joint and several liability for sanctions; defendants? discovery violations included willful failure to produce certain documents and the destruction of other ESI; counsels? discovery failures included defense counsels? failure to adequately communicate with opposing counsel resulting in court intervention and failure to comply with court orders; as sanction, court ordered defendants and counsel to pay specifically delineated portions of plaintiffs? attorneys? fees and costs

Nature of Case: trademark infringement, unfair competition, and related claims

Electronic Data Involved: ESI

Atlas Resources, Inc. v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co., No. CIV 09-1113 WJ/KBM, 2011 WL 10563364 (D.N.M. Sept. 8, 2011)

Key Insight: For Defendant?s and counsel?s discovery violations, including delayed production of relevant information, wrongful certification that discovery was complete, producing a 500-page document 35 times, and failing to conduct adequate searches of responsive information, court evaluated the Enrenhaus factors and imposed monetary sanctions to be paid by both Defendant and its counsel; court?s analysis was particularly critical of counsel who the court concluded had ?abdicated its responsibility to exercise oversight of the discovery process? and who the court found to be subject to sanctions pursuant to both Rule 37 and 26

Nature of Case: Claims arising from contract for providing worker?s compensation insurance and claims administration

Electronic Data Involved: ESI

Viramontes v. U.S. Bancorp, 2011 WL 291077 (N.D. Ill. Jan. 27, 2011)

Key Insight: Court rejected plaintiff?s assertion that her January 22, 2009 letter to human resources put defendants on notice of its duty to preserve where the letter complained about her manager but did not threaten litigation and instead suggested ?a non-litigious resolution,? where plaintiff testified that she had no intention of suing at the time she sent the letter, where plaintiff waited over ten months after sending the letter to bring the instant litigation, and where the manager?s testimony that he thought the letter could give rise to legal ramifications was not sufficient to trigger the corporation?s duty to preserve

Nature of Case: Failure to accomodate, retaliation in violation of ADA

Electronic Data Involved: Emails

United States v. Lanzon, 639 F.3d 1293 (11th Cir. 2011)

Key Insight: Where detective preserved transcripts of internet chats by copying them into Word documents saved onto CD and verifying that they were identical to the original transcripts rather than preserving the original transcript on a department hard drive for purposes of saving space, defendant?s due process rights were not denied by destruction of the original transcript absent evidence that they would ?significantly contribute to his defense? and were lost as a result of bad faith; transcripts in Word documents were properly admitted in light of detective?s testimony that he participated in the chats and that the transcripts were accurate; transcripts did not violate best evidence rule absent evidence that originals were destroyed in bad faith; admission of transcripts did not violate rule of completeness; district court did not err in denying request for jury instruction on spoliation and destruction of evidence where there was no evidence that portions of chat were destroyed (because detective testified he saved conversations in their entirety) and no showing prejudice

Nature of Case: Crimnal charges related to attempt to coerce minor to engage in sezual activity

Electronic Data Involved: Chat transcripts

AMG Nat?l Trust Bank v. Ries, No. 06-CV-3061, 2011 WL 2912874 (E.D. Pa. July 21, 2011)

Key Insight: Court granted motion for spoliation sanctions for defendant?s deletion of relevant computer files and ordered an adverse inference and payment of plaintiff?s attorney?s costs and fees but, because the extent of the prejudice could not be determined, indicated that the language of the inference would be withheld until defendant paid for a forensic examination of his computer to determine what, if any, evidence could be recovered and thus the extent of the prejudice suffered by the plaintiff

Nature of Case: Breach of employment contract, breach of fiduciary duties, and violation of Uniform Trade Secrets Act

Electronic Data Involved: ESI

Oce N. Amer., Inc. v, MCS Servs., Inc., No. WMN-10-0984, 2011 WL 6130542 (D. Md. Dec. 7, 2011)

Key Insight: Where an employee of defendant used scrubbing software intended to delete illicit, non-responsive ESI from a lap top subject to court-ordered preservation and in the process also deleted potentially relevant ESI, the court found that such behavior was at least negligent and thus indicated that sanctions were warranted, but reserved judgment on what sanctions would be imposed until the severity of the resulting prejudice could be determined; where a second employee intentionally completed a Windows update that deleted Restore Points from the hard drive (also subject to court-ordered preservation), the court found the spoliation was at least negligent but again withheld imposition of a sanction pending a determination of the prejudice suffered; the court ordered defendants to pay plaintiff?s reasonable expenses in making the motion, including attorney?s fees

Nature of Case: Misappropriation of trade secrets, copyright infringement, etc.

Electronic Data Involved: ESI on employees’ hard drives

Cook v. Olathe Health Sys., Inc., 2011 WL 346089 (D. Kan. Feb. 2, 2011)

Key Insight: Court denied motion for spoliation sanctions where plaintiff was unable to establish that the relevant hard drives were destroyed after the duty to preserve arose and where plaintiff was unable to establish that the in-car video at issue ever existed or was destroyed after the duty to preserve arose in light of defendants? testimony that because of a ?recorder malfunctioned? no video existed

Nature of Case: Civil claims arising from alleged mistreatment upon arrest

Electronic Data Involved: Four hard drives, officer’s in-car video

Seven Seas Cruises S. De. R.L. v. V. Ships Leisure SAM, No. 09-23411-CIV, 2011 WL 772855 (S.D. Fla. Feb. 19, 2011)

Key Insight: Where defendants ?failed to properly conduct complete, thorough and timely searches of ESI responsive to Plaintiffs? discovery requests,? which the evidence showed resulted from ?a lack of familiarity and/or training in searching and producing ESI?, the court declined to impose default judgment and instead recommended that defendants? Motions for Summary Judgment be denied and ordered that defendants retain a third party consultant or vendor to perform a search for responsive documents, that responsive ESI be produced in a prescribed format, and that defendants pay plaintiffs? attorneys fees and costs

Nature of Case: Claim for damages arising from defendants? alleged failure to provide proper ship management and care

Electronic Data Involved: ESI

Kosher Sports Inc. v. Queens Ballpark Co., LLC, No. 10-CV-2618 (JBW), 2011 WL 3471508 (E.D.N.Y. Aug. 5, 2011)

Key Insight: Where plaintiff and counsel failed to disclose the existence of relevant audio recordings (of secretly recorded conversations) and attempted to conceal their existence (including by false certifications pursuant to Rule 26(g)), but where defendant was allowed to cure the prejudice through additional discovery, court ordered plaintiff and counsel to bear joint responsibility for payment of defendant?s expenses related to the delay and concealment; for destruction of relevant audio recordings with a ?sufficiently culpable? state of mind, court imposed an adverse inference instruction

Nature of Case: Contract dispute

Electronic Data Involved: Audio recordings

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