Tag:Motion for Protective Order

Stinson v. City of New York, no. 10 Civ. 4228(RWS), 2014 WL 5090031 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 10, 2014)
Cochran v. Caldera Med., Inc., No. 12-5109, 2014 WL 1608664 (E.D. Pa. Apr. 22, 2014)
BLX Commercial Capital, LLC v. Bilco Tools, Inc., No. 14-0306, 2014 WL 6684929 (E.D. La. Nov. 24, 2014)
The Shaw Group Inc. v. Zurich Am. Ins. Co., No. 12-257-JJB-RLB, 2014 WL 4373210 (M.D. La. Sep. 3, 2014)
In re Warrant to Search a Certain Email Account Controlled and Maintained by Microsoft Corporation, No. 13 Mag. 2814, 2014 WL 1661004 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 25, 2014)
Kelley v. Smith?s Food & Drug Ctrs., Inc., No. 2:14-cv-00856-RCJ-CWH, 2014 WL 6474026 (D. Nev. Nov. 19, 2014)
Samaritan Alliance LLC v. Commonwealth of Kentucky, Cabinet for Health & Family Servs., (In re Samaritan Alliance LLC), No. 12-5009, 2013 WL 653624 (Bankr. E.D. Ky. Feb. 20, 2013)
EPL Holdings, LLC v. Apple, Inc., No. C-12-04306 JST (JSC), 2013 WL 2181584 (N.D. Cal. May 20, 2013)
Ameritox, Ltd. v. Millennium Labs., Inc., No. 8:11-cv-00775-T-24 TBM, 2013 WL 5656064 (M.D. Tenn. Oct. 17, 2013)
FDIC v. Giannoulias, No. 12 C 1665, 2013 WL 5762397 (N.D. Ill. Oct. 23, 2013)

Stinson v. City of New York, no. 10 Civ. 4228(RWS), 2014 WL 5090031 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 10, 2014)

Key Insight: Where defendants inadvertently produced two privileged documents along with large volume of ESI, and 14 days later notified plaintiffs of such inadvertent production, and six days after that filed motion for order to show cause to compel plaintiffs to immediately return the privileged documents, court rejected plaintiffs? contention that they should be allowed to retain and review a copy of the privileged documents for the purpose of opposing the privilege claim and ordered plaintiffs to return all copies of the privileged documents to defendants; plaintiffs would be permitted to rely on any material learned prior to defendants? letter in challenging defendants? assertion of privilege

Nature of Case: Section 1983 class action against city, police department commissioner, and police officers, alleging defendants had a policy of issuing unconstitutional summonses in violation of First, Fourth, Fifth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments

Electronic Data Involved: Privileged ESI

BLX Commercial Capital, LLC v. Bilco Tools, Inc., No. 14-0306, 2014 WL 6684929 (E.D. La. Nov. 24, 2014)

Key Insight: Where defendants requested emails from six employees and all emails regarding liquidation and appraisal of Bilco, and request was further narrowed by the use of eight search terms, plaintiff?s counsel was unable to articulate a specific reason why emails were not relevant and represented to the court that he had not actually reviewed any of the emails at issue to determine their relevancy, court denied plaintiff?s motion for protective order and granted defendants? motion to compel production of emails

Nature of Case: Breach of loan agreement

Electronic Data Involved: Email of current and former BLX employees

The Shaw Group Inc. v. Zurich Am. Ins. Co., No. 12-257-JJB-RLB, 2014 WL 4373210 (M.D. La. Sep. 3, 2014)

Key Insight: Where parties? agreed protective order stated that parties would endeavor to agree on search terms to be utilized in the search for responsive ESI, and current discovery dispute centered solely on the reasonableness of the search terms chosen by each party and the willingness of the parties to negotiate reasonable search terms, court rejected defendant?s proposed list of 90 search terms in light of plaintiff?s showing that the broad search would result in undue burden and expense by generating an excess of irrelevant documents, and instead ordered plaintiff to search for responsive documents using plaintiff?s 28 proposed search terms and protocol which the court found reasonable and well-tailored to locate responsive documents; court faulted parties for their lack of diligence in completing discovery within the court?s deadlines, observing: ?In short, both sides chose to do nothing, waiting to see if the other side would blink first. In doing so, they have compromised the deadlines in the court?s scheduling order, the briefing on dispositive motions, and have essentially gambled with the parameters of ESI discovery.?

Nature of Case: Insurance dispute


In re Warrant to Search a Certain Email Account Controlled and Maintained by Microsoft Corporation, No. 13 Mag. 2814, 2014 WL 1661004 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 25, 2014)

Key Insight: Court denied Microsoft’s motion to quash search warrant that directed Microsoft to produce the contents of one of its customer’s emails stored on a server located in Dublin, Ireland, concluding that, even when applied to information that is stored in servers abroad, an SCA warrant does not violate the presumption against extraterritorial application of American law; in reaching its decision, court analyzed structure of the SCA, its legislative history, and practical consequences that would flow from such an interpretation

Nature of Case: Motion to quash warrant issued under Section 2703(a) of the Stored Communications Act

Electronic Data Involved: Email stored on Internet Service Provider’s server located in Dublin, Ireland

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Kelley v. Smith?s Food & Drug Ctrs., Inc., No. 2:14-cv-00856-RCJ-CWH, 2014 WL 6474026 (D. Nev. Nov. 19, 2014)

Key Insight: Store video was not protected from production by the impeachment evidence exception because the video?s impeachment value was too closely linked to its substantive value, and the evidence the video offered could not be realistically confined to use for impeachment purposes only; court granted both plaintiff?s motion to compel production of the video and plaintiff?s motion for protective order, which protected plaintiff from being forced to submit to a deposition without first being able to view the video

Nature of Case: Slip and fall

Electronic Data Involved: Store video containing footage of plaintiff’s slip-and-fall

Samaritan Alliance LLC v. Commonwealth of Kentucky, Cabinet for Health & Family Servs., (In re Samaritan Alliance LLC), No. 12-5009, 2013 WL 653624 (Bankr. E.D. Ky. Feb. 20, 2013)

Key Insight: Where ?the Cabinet? inadvertently produced privileged emails and later sought a protective order to preclude a finding of waiver, the court held that privilege had been waived citing the delay in requesting the emails? return, the failure to object to use of the emails as a deposition exhibit, the relatively small volume of information within which the emails had been disclosed and the highly relevant content of the emails at issue

Nature of Case: Medicaid reimbursement

Electronic Data Involved: ESI

EPL Holdings, LLC v. Apple, Inc., No. C-12-04306 JST (JSC), 2013 WL 2181584 (N.D. Cal. May 20, 2013)

Key Insight: Addressing parties? proposed departures from the court?s Model Protective Order, court approved protocol requiring Plaintiff?s reviewers to utilize an encrypted computer provided by Apple to conduct review of source code, including taking notes, and a ban on cell phones and other recording devices while reviewing source code (Apple promised to provide a land line); court declined to modify the Model Order?s provisions regarding printing source code, which place the burden of persuasion on the requesting party when a request for paper copies is challenged; court declined to include provision allowing Plaintiff to make electronic copies of source code and approved Defendant?s proposal requiring the parties to meet and confer regarding any electronic submission of source code; court approved provision requiring Plaintiff to return or destroy any documents containing source code at end of litigation

Nature of Case: patent infringement

Electronic Data Involved: source code

Ameritox, Ltd. v. Millennium Labs., Inc., No. 8:11-cv-00775-T-24 TBM, 2013 WL 5656064 (M.D. Tenn. Oct. 17, 2013)

Key Insight: Court denied defendant’s motion to quash subpoena that sought documents, deposition transcripts and exhibits from third-party that related to defendant and that were produced by defendant in third-party’s now-settled litigation with defendant because defendant failed to comply with local rule requiring submission of a joint written statement of the matters at issue in the discovery dispute; court further noted there was nothing in the record that the target of the subpoena objected to producing the requested documents, and defendant cited no local or procedural rule which prohibited the plaintiff from subpoenaing the information from the third-party before or after plaintiff requested it from defendant

Nature of Case: Motion to quash subpoena issued by plaintiff in case pending in the Middle District of Florida, listing Nashville, Tenn. as the place of production

Electronic Data Involved: Documents, deposition transcripts and exhibits produced by defendant in other, now-settled litigation

FDIC v. Giannoulias, No. 12 C 1665, 2013 WL 5762397 (N.D. Ill. Oct. 23, 2013)

Key Insight: Where defendants propounded 242 requests for documents, trial court declined to require FDIC to review thousands of documents ?to weed out a presumably small subset of irrelevant materials,? or to organize its Phase II production according to defendants? numerous discovery requests; court granted in part and denied in part the parties? respective motions concerning search terms to be used to identify responsive material, and ruled that FDIC would bear the costs of production as they arose subject to the possibility that the court may later require contribution from the defendants; court further directed FDIC to submit to the court a revised proposed ESI protocol

Nature of Case: Receiver sued former directors and officers of bank to recover approximately $114 million in losses bank suffered on 20 commercial real estate loans

Electronic Data Involved: ESI, including email

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