Tag:FRCP 37(e) Preservation (effective Dec. 1, 2015)

O?Berry v. Turner, Nos. 7-15-CV-00064-HL, 7:15:CV-00075-HL, 2016 WL 1700403 (M.D. Ga. Apr. 27, 2016)
Mazzei v. Money Store, —Fed. Appx.—, 2016 WL 3902256 (2d Cir. July 15, 2016)
Feist v Paxfire, Inc., No. 11-CV-5436 (LGS) (RLE), 2016 WL 4540830 (S.D.N.Y. Aug. 29, 2016)
Lexpath Techs. Holdings, Inc., N0. 13-cv-5379-PGS-LHG, 2016 WL 4544344 (D.N.J. Aug. 30, 2016)
Okada v. Whitehead, No. SACV 15-01449-JLS (KESx), 2016 WL 9448484 (C.D. Cal. June 16, 2016)
GN Netcom v. Plantronics, Inc., No. 12-1318-LPS, 2016 WL 3792833 (D. Del. July 12, 2016)
Barnett v. Deere & Co., No. 2:15-CV-2-KS-MTP, 2016 WL 4544052 (S.D. Miss. Aug. 31, 2016)
Terral v. Ducote, No. 15-2366, 2016 WL 5017328 (W.D. La. Sept. 19, 2016)
Shaffer v. Gaither, No. 5:14-cv-00106-MOC-DSC (W.D.N.C. Sept. 1, 2016)
Applebaum v. Target Corp., 831 F.3d 740 (6th Cir. 2016)

O?Berry v. Turner, Nos. 7-15-CV-00064-HL, 7:15:CV-00075-HL, 2016 WL 1700403 (M.D. Ga. Apr. 27, 2016)

Key Insight: Where custodian printed single paper copy of relevant driver?s log and PeopleNet data to be maintained in the usual course of business, did nothing more upon receipt of a request for preservation and ultimately misplaced the envelope in which the information was maintained despite claiming to have done ?everything in his power to preserve evidence,? the court found that Defendant filed to take reasonable steps to preserve the data and acted with the intent to deprive Plaintiffs of the information in litigation, reasoning that it was ?simply irresponsible? to print a single paper copy for preservation and noting Defendant?s lack of a document preservation policy and the failure of counsel to contact the at-issue custodian for approximately two and one half years following receipt of the request to preserve, among other things: ?All of these facts, when considered together, lead the Court to conclude that the loss of the at-issue ESI was beyond the result of mere negligence. Such irresponsible and shiftless behavior can only lead to one conclusion?that ADM and Archer Daniel Midlands Company acted with the intent to deprive ??

Nature of Case: Automobile accident

Electronic Data Involved: Driver’s log, PeopleNet data

Mazzei v. Money Store, —Fed. Appx.—, 2016 WL 3902256 (2d Cir. July 15, 2016)

Key Insight: District court did not abuse discretion in declining to impose an adverse inference for failure to preserve ESI in an accessible format and instead awarding costs and attorneys fees where the at issue system “contained only ‘tangential information'” and where Plaintiff failed to seek discovery from other sources; Circuit court’s analysis noted recently amended Rule 37(e)’s required finding of intent to impose an adverse inference and that the District Court “specifically found that defendants did not act with such intent”

Nature of Case: Class action: breach of contract

Electronic Data Involved: ESI in third party custody but under control of defendants

Feist v Paxfire, Inc., No. 11-CV-5436 (LGS) (RLE), 2016 WL 4540830 (S.D.N.Y. Aug. 29, 2016)

Key Insight: Where Plaintiff?s internet browsing history was highly relevant to her claims and to establish damages but was lost as the result of her computer crashing and the use of a cleaning program after the duty to preserve arose, the court did not conclude that Plaintiff acted intentionally to deprive Defendant of the information (citing a lack of evidence to dispute Plaintiff?s claim that she regularly cleaned her hard drives prior to litigation) but did find that sanctions were warranted to cure prejudice and indicated that the court would ?presume that the absence of any cookies is unfavorable to Feist in that she cannot attribute a specific number of redirections to Paxfire? and precluded Feist from arguing in favor of statutory damages for specific internet searches or proffering evidence of specific violations

Nature of Case: Wiretap Act violations

Electronic Data Involved: Internet history

Lexpath Techs. Holdings, Inc., N0. 13-cv-5379-PGS-LHG, 2016 WL 4544344 (D.N.J. Aug. 30, 2016)

Key Insight: Where Defendant used CCleaner on his work laptop and failed to produce three thumb drives, court concluded that the relevance prong of its analysis was satisfied (noting Plaintiff?s lack of credibility), that there was a duty to preserve, and that information was actually suppressed or withheld and, citing Rule 37(e,) imposed a presumptive adverse inference upon the determination that the loss was intentional, based on the timing of the spoliation (shortly following receipt of a cease and desist letter, including Plaintiff?s potential claims), among other things

Nature of Case: Claims arising from employee’s departure and start of competing business

Electronic Data Involved: ESI

Okada v. Whitehead, No. SACV 15-01449-JLS (KESx), 2016 WL 9448484 (C.D. Cal. June 16, 2016)

Key Insight: Where Defendant explained that certain emails were not produced because he lost access to the account which subsequently expired and thus the emails were not in his possession custody or control, the court concluded that the duty to preserve was triggered prior to the expiration of the account by the filing of a separate lawsuit involving the same at-issue property in which the parties to this case were codefendants and explained in footnote that it could locate no case law limiting the duty to preserve to an adversary as opposed to all parties to litigation and noted that the duty to preserve ?may carry over to subsequent lawsuits involving the same subject matter?; finding the spoliation was prejudicial but not intentional, the court ordered the jury be informed of the failure to preserve, but not instructed to presume anything about the content of the emails

Nature of Case: Breach of Settlement Agreement

Electronic Data Involved: e-mail

GN Netcom v. Plantronics, Inc., No. 12-1318-LPS, 2016 WL 3792833 (D. Del. July 12, 2016)

Key Insight: Where a senior executive deleted massive amounts of email and instructed others to do the same despite a duty to preserve and the company?s issuance of a litigation hold, the court indicated that the company?s efforts did not absolve it of all responsibility for the failures of a member of its senior management (and noted the company?s own bad conduct in litigating the deletion issue, including its initial refusal to disclose the identity of its forensic expert) and concluded that reasonable steps were not taken to preserve and found that the deletions were in bad faith and prejudicial to the Plaintiff and imposed sanctions including monetary sanctions in the form of reasonable fees and costs, punitive sanctions in the amount of $3 million and a permissive adverse inference

Nature of Case: Antitrust

Electronic Data Involved: email

Barnett v. Deere & Co., No. 2:15-CV-2-KS-MTP, 2016 WL 4544052 (S.D. Miss. Aug. 31, 2016)

Key Insight: Applying 5th Circuit common law (but acknowledging the outcome of the motion would not change under recently-amended Rule 37(e)), the court declined to impose sanctions for the destruction of relevant documents pursuant to Defendant?s document retention policy at a time when there was no duty to preserve and, in its discussion of bad faith, noted that the court ?does ?not draw an inference of bad faith when documents are destroyed under a routine policy??

Nature of Case: Product liability

Electronic Data Involved: ESI, including committee minutes and product testing documents

Terral v. Ducote, No. 15-2366, 2016 WL 5017328 (W.D. La. Sept. 19, 2016)

Key Insight: Where pro se prisoner sought production of video footage of the alleged use of excessive force but failed to request the video or file a grievance for 30 days and the tape was recorded over, the court found that Plaintiff had failed to demonstrate that Defendant had not taken reasonable steps to preserve the footage or that Defendant acted with the intent to deprive and denied the motion for sanctions

Nature of Case: Pro se prisoner defendant, excessive force

Electronic Data Involved: Video footage

Shaffer v. Gaither, No. 5:14-cv-00106-MOC-DSC (W.D.N.C. Sept. 1, 2016)

Key Insight: Court found dismissal was a disproportionate sanction for failure to preserve text messages lost when phone was dropped and broken but did conclude that Plaintiff and her counsel failed to take ?reasonable steps to preserve? those texts which resided only on Plaintiff?s phone, reasoning that ?[o]nce it is clear that a litigant has ESI that is relevant to reasonably anticipated litigation, steps should be taken to preserve that material, such as printing out the texts, making an electronic copy of such texts, cloning the phone, or even taking possession of the phone and instructing the client to simply get another one?; court indicated defendant would be free to examine witnesses who had read the texts and explore the circumstances surrounding their destruction and further indicated that the court had not ruled out a spoliation instruction, an option reserved until after the court heard the evidence at trial

Nature of Case: Employment litigation

Electronic Data Involved: Explicit text messages

Applebaum v. Target Corp., 831 F.3d 740 (6th Cir. 2016)

Key Insight: In affirming the verdict of the trial court, the circuit court specifically indicated that the trial court did not err in refusing to give an adverse inference instruction and in its analysis recognized recent amendments to Rule 37(e): ?It bears adding that to the extent Applebaum sought an adverse inference instruction for spoliation of electronic information, a 2015 amendment to Civil Rule 37(e)(2) required her to show that Target had ?intent? to deprive her of the information?s use. A showing of negligence or even gross negligence will not do the trick. Fed. R. Civ. P. 37, 2015 Advisory Comm. Note. Applebaum would not have been able to show any degree of fault for Target?s alleged destruction of records, because she cannot show that Target destroyed the records?if they even existed in the first place?after it was put on notice of litigation.?

Nature of Case: Products Liability

Electronic Data Involved: ESI

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