Tag:Data Preservation

Official Comm. Of Unsecured Creditors of Exeter Holdings Ltd v. Haltman, No. CV 13-5475(JS)(AKT), 2015 WL 5027899 (E.D.N.Y. Aug. 25, 2015); Official Comm. Of Unsecured Creditors of Exeter Holdings Ltd v. Haltman, No. CV 13-5475(JS)(AKT), 2016 WL 128154 (E.D.N.Y. Jan. 12, 2016)
GN Netcom v. Plantronics, Inc., No. 12-1318-LPS, 2016 WL 3792833 (D. Del. July 12, 2016)
Marten Transp. Ltd. v. Platform Advertising, Inc., No. 14-cv-02464-JWL-TJJ, 2016 WL 492743 (D. Kan. Feb. 8, 2016)
Barnett v. Deere & Co., No. 2:15-CV-2-KS-MTP, 2016 WL 4544052 (S.D. Miss. Aug. 31, 2016)
First Amer. Title Ins. Co. v. N.W. Title Ins. Agency, LLC, No. 2:15-cv-00229, 2016 WL 4548398 (D. Utah Aug. 31, 2016)
Ericksen v. Kaplan Higher Ed., LLC, No. RDB-14-3106, 2016 WL 695789 (D. Md. Feb. 22, 2016)
Browder v. Albuquerque, No. CIV 13-0599 RB/KBM, 2016 WL 3946801 (D.N.M. July 20, 2016)
Magdaluyo v. MGM Grand Hotel, LLC, no. 2:14-cv-01806-RFB-GWF, 2016 WL 614397 (D. Nev. Feb. 16, 2016)
Terral v. Ducote, No. 15-2366, 2016 WL 5017328 (W.D. La. Sept. 19, 2016)
Garcia v. City of Farmington, No. Civ. 12-383 JCH/SCY, 2016 WL 7438045 (D. N.M. Jul. 5, 2016)

Official Comm. Of Unsecured Creditors of Exeter Holdings Ltd v. Haltman, No. CV 13-5475(JS)(AKT), 2015 WL 5027899 (E.D.N.Y. Aug. 25, 2015); Official Comm. Of Unsecured Creditors of Exeter Holdings Ltd v. Haltman, No. CV 13-5475(JS)(AKT), 2016 WL 128154 (E.D.N.Y. Jan. 12, 2016)

Key Insight: Addressing motion for sanctions for the loss of emails in third party custody (GoDaddy), Iron Mountain back ups, and miscellaneous computer files, the Magistrate Judge concluded: 1)that Exeter had a duty preserve reasoning that since 2009 it had been involved in other litigation involving the disclosure of its books, records and financial documents, and that Exeter therefore knew or should have known that the documents ?could be relevant to future litigation? and also found that even if the filing of the 2009 lawsuit (involving different parties) did not trigger the preservation obligation, receipt of a 2009 subpoena should have and that in any event, the duty to preserve arose no later than Exeter?s 2011 bankruptcy filing; 2)that Exeter?s loss of ESI was ?intentional and done in bad faith? absent evidence of any effort to ensure preservation or to contact the third-party providers to inform them of the duty; and 3) that as a result of the intentional loss, a presumption of relevance was warranted and therefore recommended a sanction of an permissive adverse inference at trial; upon Exeter?s objection, District Court adopted the sanctions recommendation entirely and indicated that ?[W]hen there has been intentional destruction of evidence by an officer of a closely held corporation, other officers of the closely held entity may be subject to sanctions, even if they did not have direct control of the evidence at issue.?

Nature of Case: Plaintiff claims that Defendants defrauded Exeter?s creditors by transferring funds from Exeter to themselves, certain trusts, and other entities.

Electronic Data Involved: Email in third-party custody, Iron Mountain backups, miscelaneous ESI

GN Netcom v. Plantronics, Inc., No. 12-1318-LPS, 2016 WL 3792833 (D. Del. July 12, 2016)

Key Insight: Where a senior executive deleted massive amounts of email and instructed others to do the same despite a duty to preserve and the company?s issuance of a litigation hold, the court indicated that the company?s efforts did not absolve it of all responsibility for the failures of a member of its senior management (and noted the company?s own bad conduct in litigating the deletion issue, including its initial refusal to disclose the identity of its forensic expert) and concluded that reasonable steps were not taken to preserve and found that the deletions were in bad faith and prejudicial to the Plaintiff and imposed sanctions including monetary sanctions in the form of reasonable fees and costs, punitive sanctions in the amount of $3 million and a permissive adverse inference

Nature of Case: Antitrust

Electronic Data Involved: email

Marten Transp. Ltd. v. Platform Advertising, Inc., No. 14-cv-02464-JWL-TJJ, 2016 WL 492743 (D. Kan. Feb. 8, 2016)

Key Insight: Court denied motion for spoliation sanctions where, although a general duty to preserve arose in 2013, the duty to preserve the internet history of the at-issue employee did not arise until June 2015, which was after the employee had been moved to a different work station

Nature of Case: Trademark infringement, unfair competition

Electronic Data Involved: Internet history

Barnett v. Deere & Co., No. 2:15-CV-2-KS-MTP, 2016 WL 4544052 (S.D. Miss. Aug. 31, 2016)

Key Insight: Applying 5th Circuit common law (but acknowledging the outcome of the motion would not change under recently-amended Rule 37(e)), the court declined to impose sanctions for the destruction of relevant documents pursuant to Defendant?s document retention policy at a time when there was no duty to preserve and, in its discussion of bad faith, noted that the court ?does ?not draw an inference of bad faith when documents are destroyed under a routine policy??

Nature of Case: Product liability

Electronic Data Involved: ESI, including committee minutes and product testing documents

First Amer. Title Ins. Co. v. N.W. Title Ins. Agency, LLC, No. 2:15-cv-00229, 2016 WL 4548398 (D. Utah Aug. 31, 2016)

Key Insight: Court concluded that Defendants ?taking steps? to start a competing company even if it was known that starting the company ?would be contentious and actively opposed? was insufficient to establish imminent litigation triggering a duty to preserve (note that imminence is the test in the 10th Cir.); court assessed requests for sanctions as to multiple sources of ESI and largely denied those motions absent evidence of prejudice or that the information could not be restored or replaced but did impose sanctions for non-party employee of Defendants? loss of potentially relevant ESI and hard copy taken from Plaintiff (both assessed ?under the same rubric of Rule 37?) and ordered that the parties would be permitted to present evidence of the spoliation to the jury

Electronic Data Involved: ESI & hardcopy

Ericksen v. Kaplan Higher Ed., LLC, No. RDB-14-3106, 2016 WL 695789 (D. Md. Feb. 22, 2016)

Key Insight: Where forensic examination revealed that immediately prior to that examination Plaintiff had run ?several ?optimizer? or ?data destruction programs?? that destroyed ?some data? the court found that Plaintiff acted willfully and, addressing Defendant?s request for dismissal, cited newly amended Rule 37(e) for the proposition that the ?Court need impose ?measures no greater than necessary to cure the prejudice?? and ordered that Plaintiff would be precluded for presenting evidence that Defendants?because of her actions?could not confirm as authentic but reasoned that dismissal was not necessary

Nature of Case: Employment discrimination

Electronic Data Involved: ESI

Browder v. Albuquerque, No. CIV 13-0599 RB/KBM, 2016 WL 3946801 (D.N.M. July 20, 2016)

Key Insight: Where relevant video was lost as a result of mistakes made by representatives of the defendant who were attempting to pull and preserve the video from the recording system for the first time and where CDs with the footage ?vanished,? the court reasoned that the errors were symptoms of a ?larger problem: an inadequate information management and evidence retention policy? (a point it relied on significantly in its discussion of culpability) and also found that the plaintiff was prejudiced and imposed sanctions allowing Plaintiff to present evidence that the video existed and was lost through negligence and indicated that if Defendant attempted to elicit testimony from a deputy regarding what he saw on the video (that was viewed by several of defendant?s representatives before it was lost), the jury would be instructed to make any inference they believed was appropriate; the court also ordered Defendant to pay Plaintiff?s expenses and fees incurred in bringing the motion

Nature of Case: Traffic accident involving a police officer

Electronic Data Involved: Video footage

Magdaluyo v. MGM Grand Hotel, LLC, no. 2:14-cv-01806-RFB-GWF, 2016 WL 614397 (D. Nev. Feb. 16, 2016)

Key Insight: Where Plaintiff specifically requested preservation of certain video that was not preserved, court concluded that Defendant ?simply ignored? the request and imposed an adverse inference that the video would have been favorable to Plaintiff; for Defendant?s failure to preserve surveillance video of alleged harassment for which there was no specific request to preserve, court reasoned that Defendant had a duty to investigate the allegation and preserve any video that existed of the incident and concluded that the jurors would be instructed that ?Defendant had a duty to preserve the video if it existed and that they may, but are not required to, infer that the video recording would have been favorable to the Plaintiff?

Nature of Case: Employment litigation (discrimination, harassment, etc.)

Electronic Data Involved: Video surveillance footage

Terral v. Ducote, No. 15-2366, 2016 WL 5017328 (W.D. La. Sept. 19, 2016)

Key Insight: Where pro se prisoner sought production of video footage of the alleged use of excessive force but failed to request the video or file a grievance for 30 days and the tape was recorded over, the court found that Plaintiff had failed to demonstrate that Defendant had not taken reasonable steps to preserve the footage or that Defendant acted with the intent to deprive and denied the motion for sanctions

Nature of Case: Pro se prisoner defendant, excessive force

Electronic Data Involved: Video footage

Garcia v. City of Farmington, No. Civ. 12-383 JCH/SCY, 2016 WL 7438045 (D. N.M. Jul. 5, 2016)

Key Insight: Plaintiff created audio recordings during her employment with Defendant, transcribing some of them and later deleting recordings she felt to be insignificant. Plaintiff also claimed her computer ?crashed? in 2011 or 2012 and that caused her to lose material (this issue not raised at previous deposition). After the close of trial, Defendant filed a Renewed Motion for Adverse Spoliation Inference and to Strike Testimony. The court found Plaintiff had a duty to preserve because she made the recordings after she filed a grievance and EEOC charge. Plaintiff admitted that the deleted recordings did not ?capture unfair and discriminatory treatment of her,? which the court found to ?cure any prejudice Defendant may have suffered.? The court found that Plaintiff?s actions ?were intentional and more than merely negligent, but she did not act with a sinister intent,? and that Plaintiff did not understand she needed to preserve all the recordings. The court will consider Defendant?s evidence of Plaintiffs spoliation when it weighs the evidence presented at trial, but otherwise denied Defendant?s request to impose sanctions.

Nature of Case: Renewed Motion for Adverse Spoliation Inference and to Strike Testimony, on underlying case of discrimination and retaliation

Electronic Data Involved: Audio recordings

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