Electronic Discovery Law

Legal issues, news and best practices relating to the discovery of electronically stored information.

People v. Spicer (Illinois Appellete Court, 2019)
Commonwealth v. Jones, SJC-12564 (Mass. Mar. 6, 2019)
Rubury v. Ford Motor Co. (New Jersey, 2019)
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Performance Food Grp., No CCB-13-1712 (D. Md. Mar. 6, 2019)
Paisley Park Enterprises, Inc. et al v. Boxill et al (D. Minn., 2019)
Katz et al. v. Liberty Power Corp., LLC et al. – 18-cv-10506-ADB (District of Mass. , 2019)
Arconic Inc. v. Novelis Inc. (Western District of PA , 2019)
Bombardier Inc. v. Mitsubishi Aircraft Corp. (Western District of Washington, 2019)
Wentz v. Project Veritas et al (M.D. Fla., 2019)
In Re the Paternity of B.J.M., Appeal No. 2017AP2132 (Wis. App. Feb. 20, 2019)

People v. Spicer (Illinois Appellete Court, 2019)

Key Insight: Requiring disclosure of a password implicates fifth amendment right against self-incrimination

Nature of Case: Unlawful possession of controlled substance

Electronic Data Involved: Password to cell phone

Keywords: 5th amendment, password, self-incrimination, cocaine, foregone conclusion

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Commonwealth v. Jones, SJC-12564 (Mass. Mar. 6, 2019)

Key Insight: Whether compelling the defendant to enter his cell phone password would violate his privilege against self incrimination under 5th Amendment and art. 12 of Mass Declaration of Rights

Nature of Case: Trafficking a person for sexual servitude

Electronic Data Involved: data held on cell phone

Keywords: Cell phone password, 5th Amendment

Identified State Rule(s): Mass. art. 12.

Identified Federal Rule(s): 5th Amendment

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Rubury v. Ford Motor Co. (New Jersey, 2019)

Key Insight: Counsel has no duty to inform opposing counsel to preserve evidence that would be beneficial to opposing counsel’s claims

Nature of Case: Product liability

Electronic Data Involved: Airbag data (RCM)

Keywords: Ford, airbag, dismissed, spoliation

Identified State Rule(s): Rule 4:6-2(e)

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Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Performance Food Grp., No CCB-13-1712 (D. Md. Mar. 6, 2019)

Key Insight: ESI protocol agreed to by parties precluded EEOC from arguing other tapes were spoiled since Defendant complied with protocol.

Nature of Case: Employment Discrimination

Electronic Data Involved: E-mails and Documents regarding employee hotline

Keywords: Spoilation; Agreements between Parties

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Paisley Park Enterprises, Inc. et al v. Boxill et al (D. Minn., 2019)

Key Insight: Rule 45 subpoena to defendant upheld and party warned over boilerplate objections

Nature of Case: Trade Secret Misappropriation

Electronic Data Involved: documents

Keywords: judge warns of sanctions

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Katz et al. v. Liberty Power Corp., LLC et al. – 18-cv-10506-ADB (District of Mass. , 2019)

Key Insight: whether discovery can be bifurcated for the purpose of a dispositive motion and third party discovery

Nature of Case: Violation of the Telephone Consumer protection Act of 1991.

Electronic Data Involved: bifurcated discovery, emails, third party telephone records

Keywords: bifurcated discovery, class discovery, stayed discovery,

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Arconic Inc. v. Novelis Inc. (Western District of PA , 2019)

Key Insight: whether documents lose their privilege when there was limited effort to prevent their disclosure

Nature of Case: patent infridgement and violation of trade secrets

Electronic Data Involved: privileged documents requested back via a clawback agreement

Keywords: clawback, privilege, privilege review, search terms

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Bombardier Inc. v. Mitsubishi Aircraft Corp. (Western District of Washington, 2019)

Key Insight: Documents can be sealed if they are contain trade secrets and the unsealed exhibits attached to the sealed exhibits could reveal them.

Nature of Case: trade secret misappropriation

Electronic Data Involved: documents

Keywords: motion to seal, trade secrets

Identified Local Court Rule(s): 5(g)(3)(A) Motion to Seal, 5(g)(3)(B)

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Wentz v. Project Veritas et al (M.D. Fla., 2019)

Key Insight: objection that requests are not relevant because requesting party’s defense is meritless is sanctionable

Nature of Case: interception of communication, defamation

Electronic Data Involved: email, text messages, calendars

Keywords: improper objection sanctioned

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In Re the Paternity of B.J.M., Appeal No. 2017AP2132 (Wis. App. Feb. 20, 2019)

Key Insight: Judge accepted party’s friend request on Facebook, after the custody hearing and before decision.

Nature of Case: Motion to modify minor child custody order due to domestic abuse

Electronic Data Involved: Facebook posts. Electronic social media (ESM).

Keywords: Facebook, objective bias, judicial bias

Identified State Rule(s): Appeal: reversal and remand for further proceedings before a different judge

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