Electronic Discovery Law

Legal issues, news and best practices relating to the discovery of electronically stored information.

Franco-Gonzalez v. Holder, No. CV 10-2211-DMG (DTBx), 2014 WL 8116823 (C.D. Cal. May 3, 2013)
EEOC v. JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., 295 F.R.D. 166 (S.D. Ohio 2013)
Dataflow, Inc. v. Peerless Ins. Co., No. 3:11-CV-127 (LEK/DEP), 2013 WL 6992130 (N.D.N.Y. June 6, 2013)
Skepnek v. Roper & Twardowsky, No. 11-41-2-KHV, 2013 WL 5499801 (D. Kan. Oct. 3, 2013)
Alzheimer?s Inst. of Am., Inc. v. Elan Corp. PLC, No. 3:10-cv-00482, 2013 WL 8744216 (N.D. Cal. Jan. 31, 2013)
In re Zoloft (Sertraline Hydrochloride) Prods. Liab. Litig., MDL No. 2342, 2013 WL 8445354 (E.D. Pa. Oct. 31, 2013)
CBT Flint Partners LLC v. Return Path LLC, 737 F.3d 1320 (Fed. Cir. 2013)
Moore v. Citgo Refining & Chemicals Co., 735 F.3d 309 (5th Cir. Nov. 12, 2013)
Newill v. Campbell Transportation Co., No. 2:12-cv-1344, 2013 WL 6002349 (W.D. Pa. Nov. 12, 2013)
In re Air Crash Near Clarence Center, New York, No. 09-md-2085, 2013 WL 6073635 (W.D.N.Y. Nov. 18, 2013)

Franco-Gonzalez v. Holder, No. CV 10-2211-DMG (DTBx), 2014 WL 8116823 (C.D. Cal. May 3, 2013)

Key Insight: Court partly granted plaintiffs? motion to compel, requiring government: (1) to re-produce all documents it had produced in a “locked” password-protected file either as they were kept in the ordinary course or organized and labeled to correspond to document requests, (2) as to other documents government had previously re-produced, to provide an index identifying, by date of production and bates number, which documents each reproduction was meant to replace, and whether any documents were new, and (3) as to documents from which government had redacted on the basis of non-responsiveness and not on the basis of any privilege, to produce unredacted versions of such documents

Nature of Case: Class action concerning government’s detention and removal of immigrants with mental issues

Electronic Data Involved: Various documents related to over 200 detainees, includingi A-file, medical documents, records of proceedings and database information

EEOC v. JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., 295 F.R.D. 166 (S.D. Ohio 2013)

Key Insight: Defendant’s failure to establish a litigation hold and resulting loss of relevant data through routine purge was inexcusable and presented exceptional circumstances that removed such conduct from the protections provided by Rule 37(c); as sanction, court denied defendant’s motion for summary judgment which turned in part on skill login data, and would give permissive adverse inference instruction regarding the destroyed evidence at trial

Nature of Case: Sex discrimination claims

Electronic Data Involved: Skill login data

Dataflow, Inc. v. Peerless Ins. Co., No. 3:11-CV-127 (LEK/DEP), 2013 WL 6992130 (N.D.N.Y. June 6, 2013)

Key Insight: Failure to institute litigation hold, which resulted in automatic deletion of relevant e-mails as part of defendant’s system-wide upgrade, and defendant’s excessive delay in disclosing such facts, constituted gross negligence; magistrate judge recommended that plaintiff’s motion for sanctions be granted and that trial court issue and adverse inference instruction regarding the destroyed e-mails and award plaintiff its costs in bringing the motion

Nature of Case: Insurance coverage dispute

Electronic Data Involved: E-mail

Skepnek v. Roper & Twardowsky, No. 11-41-2-KHV, 2013 WL 5499801 (D. Kan. Oct. 3, 2013)

Key Insight: Where defendant sought to avoid running the searches proposed by plaintiff based on irrelevance, overbreadth and undue burden, the court found that defendant had failed to meet the burden to show cause for entry of a protective order and granted plaintiffs? motion to compel

Nature of Case: Breach of contract

Electronic Data Involved: Emails

Alzheimer?s Inst. of Am., Inc. v. Elan Corp. PLC, No. 3:10-cv-00482, 2013 WL 8744216 (N.D. Cal. Jan. 31, 2013)

Key Insight: Addressing taxable costs related to electronic discovery, the court agreed with the reasoning in prior case law that ?costs for electronic .TIFF and .PFD conversion and OCR of documents produced in discovery were permissible exemplification costs, but pre-production document collection and processing costs were not? and concluded that ?database hosting costs separate from .TIFF and OCR conversion, Bates stamping, load file and other physical media generation are non-compensable ??

Nature of Case: Patent litigation

Electronic Data Involved: taxable costs

In re Zoloft (Sertraline Hydrochloride) Prods. Liab. Litig., MDL No. 2342, 2013 WL 8445354 (E.D. Pa. Oct. 31, 2013)

Key Insight: Upon the Plaintiffs? Steering Committee?s motion to compel Pfizer to produce a log identifying documents withheld from production as non-responsive or irrelevant, particularly email attachments, the court noted the prior comprehensive treatment of the question of whether attachments must be produced in Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank v. Morgan Stanley & Co, Inc., No. 08 Civ. 7508(SAS), 2011 WL 3738979 (S.D.N.Y. Aug. 18, 2011) and concluded in this case that requiring defendant to log or produce with redactions those documents previously withheld was not warranted absent a showing of a ?systematic failure in Pfizer?s document review? or that the failures were ?on a large scale? or the product of an ?unjustified decision? but reasoned that the burden of requiring a log or other justification for the witholdings going forward would not carry as high a burden and ordered the parties to confer to determine how best to track that information going forward

Nature of Case: Product Liability

Electronic Data Involved: Attachments to ESI, particularly email

CBT Flint Partners LLC v. Return Path LLC, 737 F.3d 1320 (Fed. Cir. 2013)

Key Insight: Court addressed recovery of costs related to electronic discovery pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1920(4) ?applying the law of the regional circuit (in this case, the Eleventh Circuit)”

Nature of Case: Patent Infringement

Electronic Data Involved: Taxable costs related to electronic discovery

Moore v. Citgo Refining & Chemicals Co., 735 F.3d 309 (5th Cir. Nov. 12, 2013)

Key Insight: No abuse of discretion in dismissal of 17 plaintiffs who violated two court orders to preserve where willfulness was inferred from their disregard of the courts orders, where the failure to seek clarification weighed against any claimed confusion, where the evidence lost was unique and where no lesser sanction would have sufficed (plaintiffs were warned of the possibility of dismissal before it was imposed); no abuse of discretion for dismissal of four additional plaintiffs for failure to preserve emails despite an explicit court order

Nature of Case: FLSA (employment)

Electronic Data Involved: ESI, emails, handwritten notes

Newill v. Campbell Transportation Co., No. 2:12-cv-1344, 2013 WL 6002349 (W.D. Pa. Nov. 12, 2013)

Key Insight: Court found defendant failed to conduct a reasonable investigation for responsive materials prior to serving its Initial Disclosures and responding to Plaintiff?s first requests for production where defendant failed to discover relevant photographs of the accident site taken by a former employee despite knowing that it was ?standard procedure? for such photographs to be taken; responding to Defendant?s claim that it needn?t extend its investigation to former employees, the court noted that ?[a]nalyzing the practical ability of corporations to obtain work-related documents from former employees, courts insist that corporations, at the very least, ask their former employees to cooperate before asserting that they have no control over documents in the former employees’ possession.? Export?Import Bank, 233 F.R.D. at 341 (citations omitted) (emphasis added).

Nature of Case: Jones Act negligence case

Electronic Data Involved: Digital photographs

In re Air Crash Near Clarence Center, New York, No. 09-md-2085, 2013 WL 6073635 (W.D.N.Y. Nov. 18, 2013)

Key Insight: Where Airline sought production of decedent?s son?s Facebook friends list for purposes of assessing the son?s Asperger?s disorder and his ability to socialize and communicate with others, court found the Airline?s argument of relevance unpersuasive in light of the ?ease with which ?friends? can be collected on Facebook? and further reasoned that the production of the other contents of the son?s account (which was provided by his mother – who was a party) was sufficient

Nature of Case: Airline crash

Electronic Data Involved: Facebook “friend list”

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