Catagory:Speaking Engagements & Publications

K&L Gates Arbitration World Podcast: Virtual Collaboration Tools and their e-Discovery Implications in Arbitration and Litigation
New Risks of the Evolving Workforce
Leveraging Machine Translation Technology for Multi-Lingual Arbitrations
Federal Rule Changes Affect e-Discovery – Are You Ready This Time?
Upcoming Events! – Federal Rule Changes Affecting E-Discovery Are Almost Here – Are You Ready This Time?
In Case You Missed It! Discovery of Social Media: Legal and Practical Considerations
Upcoming Event: Discovery of Social Media: Legal and Practical Considerations
Upcoming Events
Keeping You Informed: K&L Gates’ Third Annual “Under the Wire”

K&L Gates Arbitration World Podcast: Virtual Collaboration Tools and their e-Discovery Implications in Arbitration and Litigation

In a recent K&L Gates Arbitration World podcast, Julie Anne Halter (a partner in our Seattle office and co-chair of our e-Discovery Analysis & Technology (“e-DAT”) practice group) and Martin King (a partner in our London office who focuses on international arbitration and complex commercial litigation and disputes) discussed virtual collaboration tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams and the e-discovery challenges, opportunities, and pitfalls these tools may present in the context of arbitration and litigation

New Risks of the Evolving Workforce

K&L Gates recently hosted a series of webinars covering potential legal and regulatory implications businesses must consider as a result of the now common hybrid work setting. The cross-practice series focused on compliance issues from a Tax, Data Protection, Privacy, and Security, e-Discovery Analysis and Technology, and Labor, Employment, and Workplace Safety perspective.

Webinar recordings and associated materials are available on the K&L Gates HUB.

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Leveraging Machine Translation Technology for Multi-Lingual Arbitrations

Arbitration matters, and the teams working on them, can often span geographic borders which in turn can present a number of logistical issues.  These range from the mundane, such as standard paper/binder sizes, to schedule challenges presented by participants residing in multiple time zones, to what can be the biggest logistical challenge of all: language barriers.

While machine translation technology will not replace the need for certified translations of documents to be used in legal proceedings, it can be a valuable addition to your arsenal. This technology is a practical tool to help streamline the review of documents, reduce costs for clients, and optimize your staffing for international projects.

In the July 2018 edition of K&L Gates Arbitration World, we discuss the benefits, costs, and challenges associated with utilizing machine translation technology. Read the full article here.


Hello “Proportionality,” Goodbye “Reasonably Calculated”: Reinventing Case Management and Discovery Under the 2015 Civil Rules Amendments

Presented by: the ABA Section of Litigation & Duke Law

Join us in Seattle on April 29, 2016

The most significant changes to discovery and case management practices in more than a decade, the 2015 Amendments to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 16, 26, 34 and 37, took effect on December 1, 2015. The American Bar Association Section of Litigation and the Duke Law Center for Judicial Studies are jointly presenting this unprecedented, 18-city series of dialogues, led by national thought leaders and including local judges, magistrates, and top practitioners in each city. The goal: to further the understanding of the case-management techniques that will help courts and litigants realize the Amendments’ full potential to make discovery more targeted, less expensive, and more effective in achieving justice.

Based on local requests, this popular program has been expanded from the original 13-city tour to 18. Each three-hour program features leaders from the Rules amendment process, who walk the audience through the Amendments and their implications for civil litigation. Spirited panel discussions among local District Court Judges, Magistrate Judges, and leading litigators then explore the Amendments’ practical discovery implications and best practices for case management under the amended Rules. Each program’s attendees discuss application of the new rules to a variety of hypothetical cases and leave with a toolbox of techniques for putting the Amendments into practice.

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Federal Rule Changes Affect e-Discovery – Are You Ready This Time?

Learn Strategies for Litigating in the New Framework

Join Us For a Complimentary 3 Hour CLE

Important updates and revisions to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure take effect on December 1, 2015, absent (unlikely) action by Congress. These changes will undoubtedly have a substantial effect on litigation (and pre-litigation) strategies and practice, particularly with regard to discovery. Issues addressed by the amendments include — among others — the scope of discovery, responses and objections to requests for production, and preservation (or loss) of electronically stored information.

Please join us for a lively and informative strategic discussion of the amendments, the ways they will affect your future practice and cases, and the steps you can take to address and embrace the new paradigms shaped by these changes. In-house counsel will join members of the K&L Gates global e-Discovery Analysis & Technology practice group to address the significance of these rule changes, their ethical implications for legal practitioners, the opportunities for advocacy afforded by the rules’ increased attention to proportionality, and the practical effects of these rule changes on record preservation practices.

Live programs will take place on December 1st in Seattle, WA and December 3rd in Pittsburgh, PA.  These programs will also be available via webinar.

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Upcoming Events! – Federal Rule Changes Affecting E-Discovery Are Almost Here – Are You Ready This Time?

Learn Strategies for Litigating in the Expected New Framework 

Join Us for a Complimentary 90 Minute CLE at one of several locations

  • Boston, October 20, 2015, 8:30-10AM
  • Chicago, October 22, 2015, 8:30-10AM
  • Dallas, November 5, 2015, 8:30-10AM

AND COMING SOON — Additional information about CLE programs in Seattle and Pittsburgh the first week of December

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In Case You Missed It! Discovery of Social Media: Legal and Practical Considerations

Presenters: Desiree F. Moore, Daniel R. Miller, Ivan L. Ascott, & Bree Kelly

On July 16, 2015, a panel of attorneys from K&L Gates presented a webinar discussion addressing the discoverability and admissibility of social media content.  Topics discussed included:

  • the discoverability standards applied by courts with regard to social media content;
  • the likely effects of the anticipated amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure on such standards;
  • the relevance of the federal Stored Communications Act to discovery of information on social media;
  • the issues involved in preserving, collecting, searching, reviewing, and producing information from social media; and
  • the considerations pertinent to admission of social media content as evidence.

To download the presentation slides or to view and listen to the webinar, click here.

Upcoming Event: Discovery of Social Media: Legal and Practical Considerations

Please join us for an in-depth discussion of issues related to the discoverability and admissibility of social media content.

July 16, 2015
12:00 – 1:30 p.m. EDT
Program will be 90 minutes, followed by time for Q&A

Our panel of K&L Gates lawyers will cover topics including: the discoverability standards applied by courts with regard to social media content; the likely effects of the anticipated amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure on such standards; the relevance of the federal Stored Communications Act to discovery of information on social media; the issues involved in preserving, collecting, searching, reviewing, and producing information from social media; and the considerations pertinent to admission of social media content as evidence.

CLICK HERE to register.

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Upcoming Events

Strafford – E-Discovery Strategies: Preparing for New FRCP Amendments on Proportionality and Managing ESI

April 14, 2015
1-2:30 PM EDT

Join K&L Gates attorney Bree Kelly and her fellow panelists for a discussion of “E-Discovery Strategies: Preparing for New FRCP Amendments on Proportionality and Managing ESI.”  The discussion will cover a range of topics, including a review of the proposed amendments to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 26(b)(1) and 37(e), strategies for achieving proportionality, best practices for preserving ESI and avoiding sanctions, best practices for information management and a review of court decisions addressing proportionality.

To learn more or to register, click here.

PBI – eDiscovery Symposium

April 17, 2015
PBI Professional Development Conference Ctr.
Heinz 57 Center, 339 Sixth Ave, 7th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA

Join K&L Gates partner Thomas J. Smith for a day of e-Discovery.  Mr. Smith will participate in two of the day’s nine informative panels.  First, at 11:20, join Mr. Smith and a panel of experts for a discussion of proposed amendments to both local and federal rules (“Amendments to FRCP/Amendments to local rules).  Then, at 3:00, Mr. Smith will moderate a panel of judges (Chief Judge Conti, Judge Kelly, and Judge Lenihan) in a roundtable discussion of important topics affecting e-Discovery practice in Federal Court (“e-Discovery Practice in Federal Court: Judges’ Roundtable Discussion).

To learn more or to register, click here.

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