Catagory:Case Summaries

U.S. v. Morgan (Western District of New York, 2020)
IN RE: Bard IVC Filters Products Liability Litigation (D. Arizona, 2020)
Rodriguez-Ruiz v. Microsoft Operations Puerto Rico (District of Puerto Rico, 2020)
Shelton v. Fast Advance Funding, LLC (3rd Circuit, 2020)
Vaks v. Quinlan, et al. (District of Massachusetts, 2020)
Grande v. U.S. Bank National Association (W.D. Wash. 2020)
Allscripts Healthcare, LLC v. DR/Decision Resources, LLC d/b/a Decision Resources Group (District of Massachusetts, 2020)
Grande v. U.S. Bank National Association, et al (Western District of Washington, 2020)
Houston v. Southwest Airlines (N.D. Tex. 2020)
Houston v. Southwest Airlines (Northern District of Texas, 2020)

U.S. v. Morgan (Western District of New York, 2020)

Key Insight: encryption

Nature of Case: Conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud; Money Laundering conspiracy

Electronic Data Involved: Servers, computers, storage media, iPhone

Keywords: Search warrant; “GrayKey” program to access passcodes; Unreasonable retention of the iPhone; Motion for Return of Property; 3 part test – 1.entitled to possession, 2. property not contraband, 3. either seizure was illegal or the government’s need for the property as evidence has ended; evidentiary burden

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IN RE: Bard IVC Filters Products Liability Litigation (D. Arizona, 2020)

Key Insight: “No-eyes-on” document production;

Nature of Case: Products Liability MDL

Electronic Data Involved: Hard copy and ESI productions;

Keywords: MDL; Discovery orders; Production

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Rodriguez-Ruiz v. Microsoft Operations Puerto Rico (District of Puerto Rico, 2020)

Key Insight: Social media posts are generally not protected by privacy concerns, but discovery of social media posts do need to be limited and proportional to the case’s needs

Nature of Case: Wrongful termination

Electronic Data Involved: Social media posts

Keywords: Privacy, Facebook, Microsoft, wrongful termination, ADA, social media

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Shelton v. Fast Advance Funding, LLC (3rd Circuit, 2020)

Key Insight: defendant argued that it had no obligation to respond to timely discovery requests because the due date of the discovery was after the discovery deadline.

Nature of Case: telemarketing violation

Electronic Data Involved: requests for admission

Keywords: discovery deadline, requests for admission

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Vaks v. Quinlan, et al. (District of Massachusetts, 2020)

Key Insight: plaintiff violated the protective order by filing a pleading attaching confidential documents

Nature of Case: employment discrimintation

Electronic Data Involved: confidential documents protected under the protective order

Keywords: protective order, confidentiality

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Grande v. U.S. Bank National Association (W.D. Wash. 2020)

Key Insight: The requested business guidelines were relevant. The scope of discovery is very broad. A request for discovery is relevant “unless it is clear that the information sought can have no possible bearing upon the subject matter of the action.”

The court declined to find the guidelines so confidential that they cannot be produced. Defendants did not move for a protective order nor did they provide any evidence of harm that would result from producing the guidelines.

Attorney fees were awarded to Plaintiff because Defendant caused substantial delay in responding to discovery despite Plaintiff’s multiple good faith attempts to obtain the requested discovery.

Nature of Case: Breach of Contract

Electronic Data Involved: Business Guidelines, Business Policies

Case Summary

Allscripts Healthcare, LLC v. DR/Decision Resources, LLC d/b/a Decision Resources Group (District of Massachusetts, 2020)

Key Insight: enhancement of protective order to ensure heightened confidentiality of one document.

Nature of Case: breach of contract and false and misleading statements

Electronic Data Involved: confidentiality of proprietary aggregate data product

Keywords: protective order, heightened confidentiality

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Grande v. U.S. Bank National Association, et al (Western District of Washington, 2020)

Key Insight: Defendants here have not described any harm that would result from producing the guidelines and have not sought a protective order, the Court declines to find the documents so confidential that they cannot be produced

Nature of Case: bad faith and fraudulent banking

Electronic Data Involved: general discovery responses, voicemails, loan documents, loan history, and communications

Keywords: fraud, trade secrets, incomplete responses, bad faith

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Houston v. Southwest Airlines (N.D. Tex. 2020)

Key Insight: The litigation was over employment discrimination based on disability. Plaintiff brought the suit pro se. After Plaintiff failed to time respond to Defendant’s discovery requests, Plaintiff filed a Motion for Summary Judgment that was primarily based on Defendant’s failure to produce evidence of her claims a Motion for CR 11 sanctions was also filed.

Defendant based its Motions on Plaintiff’s failure to produce evidence of her purported disability, that she provided notification to her employer of the disability and/or that her employer failed to provide reasonable accommodation for her purported disability. The Magistrate Judge recommended that the Court grant Defendant’s Motion and dismiss all of Plaintiff’s claims and causes of action with prejudice. However, the Judge did not recommend imposing CR 11 sanctions against Plaintiff.

Nature of Case: Employment Discrimination, Disability Discrimination

Electronic Data Involved: Surveillance Videos

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Houston v. Southwest Airlines (Northern District of Texas, 2020)

Key Insight: Failure to respond to Interrogatories and Requests for Admissions

Nature of Case: American’s with Disabilities Act

Electronic Data Involved: Hard copy; Discussion logs

Keywords: Sanctions; Attorney’s fees; Bad Faith; Inherent power; Intent

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