Author - eDiscovery Import

In re High-Tech Employee Antitrust Litig., No. 11-CV-2509-LHK-PSG, 2013 WL 772668 (N.D. Cal. Feb. 28, 2013)
Yoder & Frey Auctioneers, Inc. v. Eqiupmentfacts LLC, No. 3:10 CV 1590, 2013 WL 1411757 (N.D. Ohio Apr. 8, 2013)
United States ex rel Becker v. Tools & Metals, Inc., Nos. 3:05-CV-0627-L, 3:05-CV-2301-L, 2013 WL 1293818 (N.D. Tex. Mar. 31, 2013)
Gordon v. Dreamworks Animation SKG, Inc., No. 1:11-10255-JLT, 2013 WL 1292520 (D. Mass. Mar. 28, 2013)
Hallmark cards, Inc. v. Monitor Clipper Partners, LLC, No. 08-0840-CV-W-ODS, 2013 WL 1155245 (W.D. Mo. Mar. 20, 2013)
Oracle USA, Inc. v. Rimini Street, Inc., No. 2:10-cv-00106-LRH PAL, 2013 WL 1292685 (D. Nev. Mar. 29, 2013)
Distefano v. Law Offices of Barbara H. Katsos, PC, No. CV 11-2893(JA)(AKT), 2013 WL 1339548 (E.D.N.Y. Mar. 29, 2013)
Rajala v. McGuire Woods, LLP, No. 08-2638-CM-DJW, 2013 WL 50200 (D. Kan. Jan. 3, 2013)
In re Plasma-Derivative Protein Therapies Antitrust Litig., Nos. 09 C 7666, 11 C 1468, 2013 WL 791432 (N.D. Ill. Mar. 4, 2013)
Lutalo v. Nat?l R.R. Passenger Corp., No. 11-cv-00974-REB-KLM, 2013 WL 1294125 (D. Colo. Mar. 28, 2013)

In re High-Tech Employee Antitrust Litig., No. 11-CV-2509-LHK-PSG, 2013 WL 772668 (N.D. Cal. Feb. 28, 2013)

Key Insight: Applying relevant factors identified in In re Asia Global Crossing Ltd., 322 B.R. 247 (S.D.N.Y. 2005), court concluded that consultant?s use of workplace email did not waive privilege where, although the factors were evenly split, there was no evidence that the employee actually monitored employees? emails and because of the ?importance of the attorney-client privilege?

Nature of Case: Plaintiffs claim defendants colluded to “avoid poaching each other’s employees and to stabilize their compensation packages.”

Electronic Data Involved: Emails

Yoder & Frey Auctioneers, Inc. v. Eqiupmentfacts LLC, No. 3:10 CV 1590, 2013 WL 1411757 (N.D. Ohio Apr. 8, 2013)

Key Insight: Court declined to impose spoliation sanctions for alleged failure to preserve ?the actual server and software system? allegedly utilized during the violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act where the defendant did not establish the relevance of the server or software system

Nature of Case: Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

Electronic Data Involved: Server and software system utilized by auction company at time of alleged violation by Defendant

United States ex rel Becker v. Tools & Metals, Inc., Nos. 3:05-CV-0627-L, 3:05-CV-2301-L, 2013 WL 1293818 (N.D. Tex. Mar. 31, 2013)

Key Insight: Court addressed at length the recovery of costs related to electronic discovery in action alleging violations of False Claims Act and affirmed recovery of costs, although with some adjustments, for ?uploading and creating a search index? (done by vendor), electronic hosting costs, and forensic imaging, but did not allow recovery of costs related to vendor?s efforts to repair broken or corrupt files where asking for reproduction of those files would have been free

Nature of Case: False Claims Act

Electronic Data Involved: Costs related to electronic discovery

Gordon v. Dreamworks Animation SKG, Inc., No. 1:11-10255-JLT, 2013 WL 1292520 (D. Mass. Mar. 28, 2013)

Key Insight: Court ordered spoliation sanctions for Plaintiff?s intentional destruction of materials related to his claim of copyright infringement at a time when he had a duty to preserve as evidenced by his actions to ?preserve? his work with the copyright office before the release of the allegedly infringing film (Kung Fu Panda) and his consultation with counsel; sanctions excluded evidence of Plaintiff?s 2008 copyright registration which was created with and relied upon evidence that had been destroyed

Nature of Case: Copyright Infringement

Electronic Data Involved: Hard copy documents, computer equipment and contents

Hallmark cards, Inc. v. Monitor Clipper Partners, LLC, No. 08-0840-CV-W-ODS, 2013 WL 1155245 (W.D. Mo. Mar. 20, 2013)

Key Insight: Court held that ?scanning documents and converting computer data into readable format constitute copying within the meaning of section 1920(4)? but that ?costs associated with storing ESI are not recoverable?

Nature of Case: Misappropriation of trade secrets

Electronic Data Involved: Taxable costs related to ESI

Oracle USA, Inc. v. Rimini Street, Inc., No. 2:10-cv-00106-LRH PAL, 2013 WL 1292685 (D. Nev. Mar. 29, 2013)

Key Insight: Court imposed spoliation sanctions, including an adverse inference, for defendant?s deletion of a ?software library? despite a duty to preserve

Nature of Case: Copyright infringement

Electronic Data Involved: Software library

Distefano v. Law Offices of Barbara H. Katsos, PC, No. CV 11-2893(JA)(AKT), 2013 WL 1339548 (E.D.N.Y. Mar. 29, 2013)

Key Insight: Court found attorney?s duty to preserve was triggered upon receipt of correspondence terminating her representation but withheld judgment on issue of spoliation until hearing could be held

Nature of Case: Legal Malpractice

Electronic Data Involved: ESI, computers

Rajala v. McGuire Woods, LLP, No. 08-2638-CM-DJW, 2013 WL 50200 (D. Kan. Jan. 3, 2013)

Key Insight: Court enforced previously entered 502(d) order and found that inadvertent production of privileged material did not waive privilege

Nature of Case: Alleged violations of the Securities Exchange Act and other related claims

Electronic Data Involved: ESI

In re Plasma-Derivative Protein Therapies Antitrust Litig., Nos. 09 C 7666, 11 C 1468, 2013 WL 791432 (N.D. Ill. Mar. 4, 2013)

Key Insight: Where Plaintiffs argued that Defendant?s document and preservation efforts were inadequate and briefed ?at long length several document production errors, general complications and litigation hold mishandling,? including incorrect volume estimates of documents produced by search terms, date discrepancies in metadata, and corrupt emails (among others) the court noted that Plaintiffs had not obtained a court order against Defendant or attempted to show that it acted in bad faith and found that the allegations did not rise to a level justifying appointment of an outside third party ediscovery auditor, but granted Plaintiffs? motion for depositions of certain document custodians regarding document production issues; court denied motion to require Defendant to recover all documents deleted by certain custodians, including from backup tapes, where the court found that Defendant ?carried out its duty to preserve documents in a manner commensurate with the likely scope and role of [Defendant?s] participation in future litigation? and noted that reasonable efforts do not require the preservation of ?every single scrap of paper?

Nature of Case: Antitrust

Electronic Data Involved: ESI

Lutalo v. Nat?l R.R. Passenger Corp., No. 11-cv-00974-REB-KLM, 2013 WL 1294125 (D. Colo. Mar. 28, 2013)

Key Insight: In a case arising from a train passenger?s complaints regarding Plaintiff?s telephone conversation which the passenger found threatening and which resulted in Plaintiff?s arrest, the court found that the plaintiff had a duty to preserve the relevant cellular phone and that Defendants were prejudiced by its loss but declined to impose an adverse inference instruction for merely negligent spoliation (inadvertent loss) and instead barred Plaintiff from introducing evidence related to who he was talking to or what was said and allowed Defendants to present evidence regarding Plaintiff?s failure to preserve and argue ?whatever inference they hope the jury will draw?

Nature of Case: Claims arising from arrest where charges were later dismissed

Electronic Data Involved: Cellular phone

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