Author - eDiscovery Import

Thurmond v Bowman, No. 14-CV-6465W, 2016 WL 1295957 (W.D.N.Y. Mar. 31, 2016)
Barnett v. Deere & Co., No. 2:15-CV-2-KS-MTP, 2016 WL 4544052 (S.D. Miss. Aug. 31, 2016)
Boyington v Percheron Field Servs., LLC, No. 3:14-CV-90, 2016 WL 6068813 (W.D. Pa. Oct. 14, 2016)
Steward Health Care Sys. LLC v. Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island, No. 15-272, 2016 WL 8716426 (E.D. Pa. Nov. 4, 2016)
Miller v. Bank of Am., N.A., 201 So.3d 1286 (Fl. Dist. Ct. App. 2016)
Official Comm. Of Unsecured Creditors of Exeter Holdings Ltd v. Haltman, No. CV 13-5475(JS)(AKT), 2015 WL 5027899 (E.D.N.Y. Aug. 25, 2015); Official Comm. Of Unsecured Creditors of Exeter Holdings Ltd v. Haltman, No. CV 13-5475(JS)(AKT), 2016 WL 128154 (E.D.N.Y. Jan. 12, 2016)
Theidon v. Harvard Univ., NO. 15-cv-10809-LTS, 2016 WL 447447 (D. Mass. Feb. 4, 2016)
Moore v. Lowe?s Home Centers, LLC, No. 2:14-cv-01459 RJB, 2016 WL 3458353 (W.D. Wash. June 24, 2016)
Spear Mktg., Inc. v. Bancorpsouth Bank, No. 3:12-CV-3583-B, 2016 WL 193586 (N.D. Tex. Jan. 14, 2016)
Benefield v. MStreet Entm?t, LLC, No. 3:13-cv-1000, 2016 WL 374568 (M.D. Tenn. Feb. 1, 2016)

Thurmond v Bowman, No. 14-CV-6465W, 2016 WL 1295957 (W.D.N.Y. Mar. 31, 2016)

Key Insight: Where Defendants sought spoliation sanctions for Plaintiff?s alleged deletion of social media postings that Defense counsel claimed had disappeared from the relevant account, the evidence indicated that the majority of those posts were merely hidden as the result of Plaintiff?s modification of her security settings and the court noted that the three posts that were missing ?did not seem relevant? and concluded that spoliation sanctions were not warranted; court?s analysis included disagreement with the argument that ?the entirety of a plaintiff?s social media account is per se relevant to any claim for emotional distress damages,? and concluded that the contention that sanctions were warranted for the deletion of any Facebook post swept ?far too broadly?

Nature of Case: Housing discrimination

Electronic Data Involved: facebook (social media / social network)

Barnett v. Deere & Co., No. 2:15-CV-2-KS-MTP, 2016 WL 4544052 (S.D. Miss. Aug. 31, 2016)

Key Insight: Applying 5th Circuit common law (but acknowledging the outcome of the motion would not change under recently-amended Rule 37(e)), the court declined to impose sanctions for the destruction of relevant documents pursuant to Defendant?s document retention policy at a time when there was no duty to preserve and, in its discussion of bad faith, noted that the court ?does ?not draw an inference of bad faith when documents are destroyed under a routine policy??

Nature of Case: Product liability

Electronic Data Involved: ESI, including committee minutes and product testing documents

Boyington v Percheron Field Servs., LLC, No. 3:14-CV-90, 2016 WL 6068813 (W.D. Pa. Oct. 14, 2016)

Key Insight: Plaintiffs sought to compel production of all emails sent to or from any of the Plaintiffs through a Percheron account. The Court found the emails were relevant because they may shed light on informal work policies, hours worked, and serve as a potential cross-reference to the other records kept by Defendant. Analyzing proportionality, the Court concluded that the importance of the issues (to the Plaintiffs), the amount in controversy (alleged to be ?in excess of several million dollars?), the resources of the parties, the parties? relative access to the information and the importance of the discovery in resolving the issues weighed in favor of Plaintiffs/production. Regarding whether the burden of discovery outweighed the benefit, the Court acknowledged Defendant?s claim that the review ?would likely cost $735,000-$798,964 and take a team of 20 attorneys 12 weeks to complete,? but reasoned that the Court?s refusal to compel production of certain email categories would lessen the estimated costs and that Defendant?s inability to provide certain data had caused Plaintiffs to have to ?puzzle together damages? and concluded that the request did not ?run afoul? of proportionality. The court also relied on Defendants prior agreement to produce the emails. Addressing Plaintiffs? motion to compel information regarding Defendant?s preservation efforts, the court ordered production of the names of those that received litigation holds and related information, but declined to order the litigation holds themselves.

Nature of Case: Fair Labor Standards Act

Electronic Data Involved: Emails, Information re: litigation hold notices

Steward Health Care Sys. LLC v. Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island, No. 15-272, 2016 WL 8716426 (E.D. Pa. Nov. 4, 2016)

Key Insight: Third party objected to Subpoena to produce documents alleging undue burden and significant expense and refused to comply without a cost-shifting order. The Court consequently granted the requesting party?s motion to compel and the third party was ordered to produce all responsive documents by the ?most reasonable and practical method it can procure.? Following production, the third party then sought $30,603.55 in expenses. The Court?s two-prong analysis examined the expenses as to whether they were both reasonable and significant. The Court did not award attorneys? fees because the privilege and confidentiality review was a benefit only to the third party. Partial vendor costs were awarded, namely the amount it would have been had the third party used the vendor suggested by the requesting party and some additional miscellaneous costs were awarded. The Court found a total of $4,072 were expenses that resulted from compliance with the Subpoena and did qualify as ?significant expenses.?

Nature of Case: Antitrust and tort

Electronic Data Involved: Gmail

Miller v. Bank of Am., N.A., 201 So.3d 1286 (Fl. Dist. Ct. App. 2016)

Key Insight: On appeal from a final judgment of foreclosure, the Appellate Court found the Trial Court erred in admitting a screen shot of a computer-generated document purporting to reflect the sale of the mortgage note to Defendant, over Appellant?s hearsay objection. The original note was lost, so Appellee?s witness, who testified regarding the sale of the note, ?relied entirely upon a screen shot of a computer-generated document referred to as a Loan Transfer History (LNTH)? to establish Defendant?s right to foreclose. The witness testified she did not know who entered the information displayed in the screen shot, or if it was entirely computer generated. The Court held ?Ms. Allen?s affirmative answers to business record foundation questions do no overcome her demonstrated lack of knowledge about the creation, accuracy or trustworthiness of the LNTH document.?

Nature of Case: Foreclosure

Electronic Data Involved: Screen Shot

Official Comm. Of Unsecured Creditors of Exeter Holdings Ltd v. Haltman, No. CV 13-5475(JS)(AKT), 2015 WL 5027899 (E.D.N.Y. Aug. 25, 2015); Official Comm. Of Unsecured Creditors of Exeter Holdings Ltd v. Haltman, No. CV 13-5475(JS)(AKT), 2016 WL 128154 (E.D.N.Y. Jan. 12, 2016)

Key Insight: Addressing motion for sanctions for the loss of emails in third party custody (GoDaddy), Iron Mountain back ups, and miscellaneous computer files, the Magistrate Judge concluded: 1)that Exeter had a duty preserve reasoning that since 2009 it had been involved in other litigation involving the disclosure of its books, records and financial documents, and that Exeter therefore knew or should have known that the documents ?could be relevant to future litigation? and also found that even if the filing of the 2009 lawsuit (involving different parties) did not trigger the preservation obligation, receipt of a 2009 subpoena should have and that in any event, the duty to preserve arose no later than Exeter?s 2011 bankruptcy filing; 2)that Exeter?s loss of ESI was ?intentional and done in bad faith? absent evidence of any effort to ensure preservation or to contact the third-party providers to inform them of the duty; and 3) that as a result of the intentional loss, a presumption of relevance was warranted and therefore recommended a sanction of an permissive adverse inference at trial; upon Exeter?s objection, District Court adopted the sanctions recommendation entirely and indicated that ?[W]hen there has been intentional destruction of evidence by an officer of a closely held corporation, other officers of the closely held entity may be subject to sanctions, even if they did not have direct control of the evidence at issue.?

Nature of Case: Plaintiff claims that Defendants defrauded Exeter?s creditors by transferring funds from Exeter to themselves, certain trusts, and other entities.

Electronic Data Involved: Email in third-party custody, Iron Mountain backups, miscelaneous ESI

Theidon v. Harvard Univ., NO. 15-cv-10809-LTS, 2016 WL 447447 (D. Mass. Feb. 4, 2016)

Key Insight: Where Defendant objected to the production of duplicate documents but agreed to provide a spreadsheet with metadata for every document and to produce duplicates identified by Plaintiff, court concluded that Plaintiff had not demonstrated that Defendant?s proposal was unreasonable and denied her motion to compel

Nature of Case: Denial of tenure based on gender discrimination and retaliation

Electronic Data Involved: ESI

Moore v. Lowe?s Home Centers, LLC, No. 2:14-cv-01459 RJB, 2016 WL 3458353 (W.D. Wash. June 24, 2016)

Key Insight: No sanctions imposed for Defendant?s deletion of Plaintiff?s email in accordance with Defendant?s email retention policy following her termination where Plaintiff?s emails to HR and management ?did not raise ?potential claims? but rather raise Plaintiff?s concerns about workplace gossip and challenging relationships? and where other ?low-level employees? general awareness that Plaintiff was rumored to pursue litigation? did not result in a duty to preserve

Nature of Case: Employment litigation

Electronic Data Involved: Emails of departed/terminated employee

Benefield v. MStreet Entm?t, LLC, No. 3:13-cv-1000, 2016 WL 374568 (M.D. Tenn. Feb. 1, 2016)

Key Insight: Where, despite a request from Plaintiff?s counsel to preserve all communications between plaintiff and defendants or their employees AND Defendants? OWN REQUEST that Plaintiff preserve information from her cellular phones, Defendants failed to preserve potentially relevant text messages, the court rejected defendants? arguments that ?due to the nature of text message communications and the cellular devices they are stored on?a requirement to preserve text messages from private cellular phones is unduly burdensome and an invasion of privacy? and found that the messages should have been preserved and indicated that a ?spoliation instruction to the jury? would be given at trial but declined to preclude defendants? reliance on plaintiff?s text messages at trial or to order defendants to pay fees and cost associated with the extraction of plaintiffs? text messages from her own phone

Nature of Case: Employment

Electronic Data Involved: Text messages

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