Archive - 2016

Dynamo Holdings L.P. v. Commissioner, No. 2685-11, 8393-12 (Tax Ct. July 13, 2016).
United States v. Lambis (Southern District of New York, 2016)
In re NC Swine Farm Nuisance Litigation, No. 5:15:CV-00013-BR (E.D. N.C., 2016)
Martinez v. City of Chicago, No. 14-cv-369 (N.D. Ill. June 29, 2016).
Contents of Personal Computers and Email Accounts Within Scope of Discovery, Search Ordered by Court
Arbor, LLC v. Herrick, LLP (NY AppDiv, 2016)
Court Orders Native Production Absent Explanation of Allegedly Burdensome Cost and Upon Showing of Good Cause
Henry Schein v. Cook – 201606 (Northern District of California, 2016)
Waters v. Union Pacific Railroad Co. (District Court D. Kansas, 2016)
“Just as a plaintiff may not take discovery regarding unpled claims, so a defendant is precluded from seeking discovery concerning unpled defenses.”

Dynamo Holdings L.P. v. Commissioner, No. 2685-11, 8393-12 (Tax Ct. July 13, 2016).

Key Insight: Predictive coding may be used to conserve time and expense where e-discovery expertise applied

Nature of Case: Embezzlement/Fraudulent Transfers Action

Electronic Data Involved: Backup storage tapes of exchange server containing tax-related information

Keywords: “computer-assisted review [tools]” “privileged or confidential information” “universe of documents”

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United States v. Lambis (Southern District of New York, 2016)

Key Insight: Absent a search warrant, the Government may not turn a citizen’s cellphone into a tracking device.

Nature of Case: Drug Trafficking

Electronic Data Involved: cell site location information, cellphone location

Keywords: pings, cell phones, CSLI, cell site, pen register information

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In re NC Swine Farm Nuisance Litigation, No. 5:15:CV-00013-BR (E.D. N.C., 2016)

Key Insight: Plaintiff requested discovery from defendants parent company through defendant. Ability to obtain and control tests failed and motion was denied.

Nature of Case: nuisance, negligence

Electronic Data Involved: Various Discovery

Keywords: ability-to-obtain, control

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Martinez v. City of Chicago, No. 14-cv-369 (N.D. Ill. June 29, 2016).

Key Insight: Plaintiff was arrested while police pursuing his brother. Videos from car were mis-labeled and therefore destroyed. Plaintiff could not show bad faith, so no adverse inference instruction.

Nature of Case: civil rights

Electronic Data Involved: Police Car Videos

Keywords: adverse inference; sanctions; bad faith

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Contents of Personal Computers and Email Accounts Within Scope of Discovery, Search Ordered by Court

Sunderland v. Suffolk Cty., No. CV 13-4838 (JFB)(AKT), 2016 WL 3264169 (E.D.N.Y. June 14, 2016)

In this civil rights action, the parties agreed upon search terms to identify responsive material but did not agree regarding the propriety of searching the Individual Defendants’ personal computers and email accounts. Concluding that responsive information located in the Individual Defendants’ personal repositories was within the scope of discovery, the court granted Plaintiff’s motion to compel the requested searches.

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Arbor, LLC v. Herrick, LLP (NY AppDiv, 2016)

Key Insight: Sanctions for failure to preserve. Plaintiff did not issue a litigation hold until 23 months after reasonable anticipation of litigation.

Nature of Case: Legal malpractice

Electronic Data Involved: ESI destroyed under plaintiff’s record destruction policies: Backup tapes, routine deletion of emails, erasure of hard drives/email accounts.

Keywords: Preservation, spoliation sanctions, adverse inference charge, litigation hold.

Court Orders Native Production Absent Explanation of Allegedly Burdensome Cost and Upon Showing of Good Cause

Mitchell v. Reliable Sec., LLC, No. 1:15-cv-03814-AJB, 2016 WL 3093040 (N.D. Ga. May 23, 2016)

Addressing the parties’ dispute over the proper format of production—specifically, whether ESI should be produced in native format or PDF—the Court found Defendant failed to make an adequate showing that production of native files was cost prohibitive and that, in any event, Plaintiff had shown good cause, and ordered production of ESI in native format.

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Waters v. Union Pacific Railroad Co. (District Court D. Kansas, 2016)

Key Insight: Asserting well supported objection against a relevant request.

Nature of Case: personal injury

Electronic Data Involved: social media accounts, and postings

Keywords: social media records, mental state, postings

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“Just as a plaintiff may not take discovery regarding unpled claims, so a defendant is precluded from seeking discovery concerning unpled defenses.”

Lifeguard Licensing Corp. v. Kozak, No. 15 Civ. 8459 (LGS)(JCF), 2016 WL 3144049 (S.D.N.Y. May 23, 2016)

In this intellectual property dispute, the court denied Defendants’ motion to compel Plaintiffs’ production of “discoverable information relevant to the defendants’ likely defenses and counterclaims” citing Defendants’ decision to move for dismissal without filing an answer to the Complaint and reasoning, among other things, that the “plain language” of Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(1)—recently amended “so that discovery now extends only as far as information relevant to claims or defenses”—“does not provide for discovery of ‘likely,’ ‘anticipated,’ or ‘potential’ claims or defenses.”

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