Archive - December 17, 2012

The Sedona Conference® Publishes Primer on Social Media (Public Comment Version)

The Sedona Conference® Publishes Primer on Social Media (Public Comment Version)

This month, the Sedona Conference® published a public comment version of its latest paper, The Sedona Conference® Primer on Social Media.  The primer, a somewhat different publication than prior commentaries, is described in its Preface as follows:

Unlike many of previous publications in this series, this is not entitled a “Commentary,” nor does it present any formal “Principles,” although it contains plenty of practical guidance for attorneys, judges, and parties.  This is called a “Primer” because the goal is to provide primary instruction to the bar and bench in the basics of social media and the law, from definitions, to the use of social media in business, to the discovery of social media in litigation, to professional responsibilities lawyers have in relation to their own use of social media.  This is a fast-developing and fast-changing area of technical, social, and legal development, and any consensus-based Commentary or set of Principles that claims to advance the law in this area may be doomed to obsolescence as soon as it is announced on Twitter.  However, we hope that this Primer represents a positive first step in grounding the dialogue leading to consensus on moving the law forward in the reasoned and just way.

This publication is available for download from The Sedona Conference®, here.

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