Archive - January 30, 2012

True Grit: Four Models to Rein in E-Discovery Costs

True Grit: Four Models to Rein in E-Discovery Costs

By Robyn Weisman & Monica Bay
Law Technology News, January 30, 2012

Today’s top law firms and their corporate clients are struggling to find the right combination of people, processes, technology — and facilities — to effectively control the quality and costs of electronic data discovery.  The risks are acutely visible for those who stumble: not just court-ordered sanctions, but lost data, cases, clients, profits, and reputations.  So how can major firms speed up the processes, hire the right personnel, meet ethical obligations to protect client confidentiality, cooperate with opposing counsel, maintain proportionality (i.e., not spend more on EDD than appropriate for the potential exposure of a case) — yet quickly find and process appropriate data?  There’s no "one size fits all" single answer, but four models seem to be developing as loose frames:

To read the entire article, click here.

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