Upcoming Events – October

IQPC: Information Retention & E-Disclosure Management, Europe

September 30 – October 1, 2009
Marriott Hotel
Auguste Orts 3-7/Grand Place
1000 Brussels, Belgium

K&L Gates partner David Cohen will present “Turning Theory Into Practice: Practical Steps to Take NOW to Reduce E-Disclosure/E-Discovery Risks and Costs” on Wednesday, September 30th at 11:00 AM. This presentation will provide a “roadmap” of practical steps to take when dealing with e-disclosure challenges, including improving records management and other concrete measures to reduce liability, exposure, and cost.

Click here to learn more.

Thompson Reuters’ Electronic Discovery and Records Retention Conference

October 7-8, 2009
The Westin New York at Times Square
270 West 43rd Street (at 8th Ave.)
New York, NY 10036

K&L Gates partner Thomas J. Smith will participate in a panel discussion, “How Much Horsepower Do you Really Need?” at 10:00 am on October 8th.

Click here to learn more.

Washington State Bar Association: 2009 Corporate Counsel Institute

October 16, 2009
Washington State Convention and Trade Center
Seattle, WA 98101

K&L Gates Staff Lawyer Beau Holt will present on the topic of E-Discovery and “what in-house counsel needs to do now” including “establishing a litigation response plan, and steps to take before litigation.”

Click here to learn more.

The Federal Bar Association, Western PA Chapter, Young Layers Division Presents: The Second FBA E-Discovery Series

Review and Analysis of Top ESI Cases

October 22, 2009 – Noon
12:00 PM
U.S. Courthouse, Third floor (Jury assembly room)
7th and Grant St.
Pittsburgh, PA

K&L Gates partner David Cohen will appear on the panel reviewing and analyzing some of the top ESI cases that every lawyer should know about.

Click here to learn more.

The Knowledge Congress Webcast Series Presents: Legal Ethics and E-Discovery

October 22, 2009
3:00 – 5:00 PM (ET)

K&L Gates Partner David Cohen will participate in this discussion of Legal Ethics and E-Discovery.

Courtesty of K&L Gates, a $50 discount is available at registration.  The necessary discount code is: klga87685.

Click here to learn more.

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