K&L Gates’ E-Discovery Case Database Has Fresh New Look, More Features, and Now Over 900 Cases

We are pleased to announce that we have enhanced our searchable e-discovery case database and have added a number of new attributes – several of which correspond with the 2006 e-discovery amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.  For example, you can now select the attribute “FRCP 37(e) Safe Harbor,” click “Search,” and view a list of cases that have cited or discussed the new “Safe Harbor” rule.  Other new attributes that we have added include:

  • FRCP 26(b)(2)(B) “Not Reasonably Accessible”
  • FCRP 34(b) Procedure or Format
  • FRCP 26(b)(2)(C) Limitations
  • FRCP 26(b)(5)(B) or Proposed FRE 502
  • Early Conference or Discovery Plan
  • Local Court Rule, Form or Guideline
  • Motion for Preservation Order 

What’s more, the database now contains over 900 e-discovery cases from state and federal jurisdictions, with new cases being added every week.  Now more than ever, our database is an excellent source of information on developing e-discovery case law around the country.

The database is still searchable by keyword, or by any combination of 28 different case attributes.  Each search will produce a list of relevant cases, including a brief description of the nature and disposition of each case, the electronic evidence involved and a link to a more detailed case summary if available.

For example, you can select the attribute “Spoliation,” type in “2007” as a keyword, and click “Search” to see a list of cases decided in 2007 that involved allegations of spoliation.

Or, select the attributes “Motion for Sanctions” and “Lack of Cooperation or Inaccurate Representations,” and click “Search” to see a list of decisions involving parties who displayed bad faith or made uniformed or misleading statements to the court or their opponent about e-discovery issues.

Curious about e-discovery developments in the last year?  Visit the database and enter "2007" in the keyword search box to see an overview of the 234-plus cases involving electronic discovery that we tracked last year.

Click here to visit the database.  We hope you find it to be a helpful resource for tracking the development of e-discovery case law, and use it often.  Happy searching!


  • Answering Judge Best’s question, no, we have not eliminated the copies of cases provided. Copies of cases downloaded from Westlaw continue to be available at the end of the more recent case summaries. Simply click to read the full case summary and scroll to the end of the post to see the link to the full decision.

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