eDiscoverylaw.com’s Searchable Case Database Now Contains Over 500 Cases, and Allows You to Search by Jurisdiction

As of August 4, 2006, our searchable case database contains 543 cases, 122 of which are cases decided in 2006. The database is an excellent source of information on developing e-discovery case law around the country. And, it allows you to search for cases in a particular jurisdiction. Our case citations follow The Bluebook uniform system of citation, and employ the geographical term abbreviations set out in T.11. Simply type in the jurisdiction’s abbreviation as a keyword search, e.g., "S.D.N.Y." or “D.N.J.” or "N.D. Cal." or "Tex." If you want both state and federal cases, just use the state abbreviation. To narrow down the results, or if you’re looking for a particular issue, e.g., "spoliation," you can check that box, and/or any other relevant attributes you’d like to search for, and run it together with the keyword jurisdiction search. For example, a simple “S.D.N.Y.” keyword search produces 72 cases; the same keyword search coupled with “spoliation” produces 19 results.

Click here to visit the database.  Happy searching!

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