Early Case Assessment: A Litigation Arrow in an Arbitration Quiver

 In the latest edition of K&L Gates’ Arbitration World Julie Anne Halter, a Partner in K&L Gates’ e-Discovery Analysis and Technology Group (e-DAT), and William Zoellner, an e-DAT Staff Lawyer, discuss the value of Early Case Assessment in arbitration.

From the Editors

Welcome to the 19th edition of Arbitration World, a publication from K&L Gates’ Arbitration Group that highlights significant developments and issues in international and domestic arbitration for executives and in-house counsel with responsibility for dispute resolution.

We hope you find this edition of Arbitration World of interest, and we welcome any feedback (email ian.meredith@klgates.com or peter.morton@klgates.com).

Early Case Assessment: A Litigation Arrow in an Arbitration Quiver

There is no question that dispute resolution procedures that are designed to be more efficient and less costly than traditional litigation, such as arbitration, can still be prohibitively expensive in some cases.  To deal with this issue there are a number of highly effective processes and tools, many developed in the context of large scale litigation, that can provide significant strategic advantage and cost savings to clients in arbitration, mediation and other dispute resolution procedures.

To access the full newsletter, including the rest of the article Early Case Assessment: A Litigation Arrow in an Arbitration Quiver, click here.

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